Blog — herrickl

The thoughts and musings of Lynn Herrick. All opinions are my own.


Welcome to post #1! As I write this I am packing and preparing to fly out to the Grace Hopper Celebration in Houston this Tuesday. Needless to say, this is the most excited I've been since I began studying computer science -- it's hard to believe that time flies so quickly. For those of you who are not as familiar with Grace Hopper (colloquially GHC), it's currently the premier conference for women in Computing. From humble origins, the conference attendance has exploded to an estimated 12,000 this year (up from 8k last year).

I plan on updating quite a bit more once I've touched down in Houston (check out my Twitter too for live updates) so keep an eye on this space. I eventually will spruce up the page a bit more too, but minimalism is also my thing so perhaps not. As the blog expands I hope to touch on a few topics listed below -- hope you'll stick around and thanks for stopping by!

  • Thoughts on articles from my favorite haunts (re/code, etc).
  • Musings on my current favorite topics in CS, e.g. IoT, machine learning, etc.
  • Snippets of code and udpates on personal projects I hope to get to sometime in between studying and interviewing!

- Lynn